Zoning Code Update Hearings
- August 4, 2014: Monday, 3:00 p.m. - Board Chambers
This website provides up-to-date information on the Colusa County Zoning Code Update process. A series of Steering Committee meetings will be held through December 2013 to develop the Zoning Update and provide the public an opportunity to learn about the Zoning Code Update and provide input. As the Zoning Code documents are prepared, they will be placed on this site. Information regarding upcoming workshops and meetings will be posted to this site, and following each meeting, a copy of the powerpoint presentation and any handouts will also be placed on this website. In order to make this site user-friendly, links to presentations, public drafts of documents, and meeting notices are included.
This website also has links to the General Plan Update documents, as well as to information related to the General Plan Update that has been completed. General Plan documents, workshop and meeting materials, and public drafts of documents, including the Draft and Final General Plan, Draft and Final EIR, Existing Conditions Report, and Issues and Opportunities Report, are available on this site.